Twisted Metal
Rating: 1p: 9.5, 2p: 8.5
1-player, or 2 players head-to-head, missing a 2-player co-op mode.
Name Sequels Ending
Warthog 2, 3 Retrieved flight recorder with evidence of aliens for the U.S. government.
Thumper 2, 3 Made South Central safe.
Outlaw 2, 3 Wanted to be in a world free of the violence of Twisted Metal. Calypso sent him into space!
Spectre 2, 3 Was a ghost because Sweet Tooth had killed him. Was made whole again and returned to his family.
Yellow Jacket Wanted to find his missing son. Turned out to be Sweet Tooth, who he killed earlier to win the competition!
Road Kill 2, 3 Lost his entire platoon in battle. Calypso sent him back in time to try to correct that, but he was killed when he arrived!
Darkside 3 (boss) Took back the demon, Black, who was giving Calypso his power.
Pit Viper Pretended she wanted money, but it was just a distraction so she could shoot Calypso.
Crimson Fury A British agent. Wanted the same thing as Warthog, but is going to release the info to the world.
Hammer Head 2, 3 Wanted new treads for his truck. Got some metal crushing tires.
Mr. Grimm 2, 3 Was actually the Grim Reaper and took Calypso's soul!
Sweet Tooth 2, 3 Reunited with his best friend: a paper bag named Crazy Harold!
Minion 2, 3 Final Boss, unplayable.
STXOXRooftop Level